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Common Issues Faced by Immigrants in Florida

Pablo G. Martinez Law Firm Blogger • May 23, 2023

Immigrants in the United States face many issues with being in a new country. Learn about common issues faced by immigrants in Florida here.

immigrants in florida

There are over 4.5 million immigrants living in the state of Florida.

Unfortunately, immigrants in Florida face a lot of barriers and issues that native-born Americans do not have to deal with as commonly.

For instance, there are large language barriers that can hinder the financial success, job success, and overall life success of immigrants.

In this guide, we'll discuss the common issues that immigrants in Florida face. It's important to note that if there are any legal issues, an immigration attorney can help.

Keep reading to learn more about immigration law and immigrants in Florida.

Language Barriers

One of the biggest problems immigrants in Florida face is the language barrier. This means they have trouble communicating with others, which can not only be a culture shock but hinder how they adjust to the country and find resources altogether.

They may not be able to make the right decisions or understand what they are doing if they don't understand the language, which can hurt their chances of making it through all the immigration laws.

Since immigrants are already at a huge disadvantage as foreigners, adding the language barrier to the mix can make it even harder for them. For instance, they may not be able to access healthcare, some governmental resources, and other important needs as an immigrant if they can't speak English.

Lack of Employment Opportunities 

In today's day and age, it can be hard to find a job in general. However, this is even more true for immigrants. And more than that, immigrants that have a language barrier will find it even more difficult to find a job when they come to Florida. 

Not only is it difficult to find a job as an immigrant, many jobs actually place restrictions on immigrants that won't allow them to get certain jobs. On top of that, at certain jobs there are exclusions from certain labor and safety protections that native-born workers receive.

All of these factors can make finding and keeping work much more difficult for an immigrant.

When this happens, there becomes a financial struggle living in Florida. Affording housing and food as well as other necessities becomes difficult without a job. Because of this, the lack of employment opportunities can make being an immigrant in Florida even harder.

Building Financial Credit

Having financial difficulties is one problem that immigrants face, but this makes it even harder to build credit. And it is known that building credit is one of the most important things to do in order to achieve many things in America.

For instance, applying for an apartment or getting a car usually involves running a credit check. If there is no credit score, this can be an issue for immigrants who are trying to start over and make a life for themselves in Florida. 

It is also difficult to get a job if you don't have credit because many managers or employers can run a credit check to see where you stand. Not having credit can hinder your chances of getting the job. 

This continuous cycle can make everything more difficult as an immigrant in Florida.

Access to Health Care

It doesn't really matter where anyone comes from. Having access to medical care is a necessity for everyone as human beings.

However, this is not always the case, especially for immigrants. They typically have lower rates of access to medical services. This means that many immigrants are wandering around Florida without insurance.

This can be detrimental if something were to happen to them. Having medical services without insurance can be extremely pricey.

However, there are some resources put in place that can help immigrants to find access to health care at little or no cost to them. These resources can be extremely beneficial to figure things out while ensuring one stays healthy.

However, even with that being the case, it can be extremely difficult for an immigrant to find the care that they need.

Additionally, add in the language barrier, and this is even more difficult.

Housing and Living Situations 

Housing is another problem for immigrants. Immigrants are one of the most vulnerable groups of people in the United States when it comes to finding housing because they face challenges in findings affordable housing.

Part of the reason that housing is such a challenge is because of what immigrants can afford. This is often not much which means that the houses that they are in may be dangerous or not up to recent health codes.

Additionally, there is actually a higher housing cost burden for illegal immigrants. 

This situation creates a difficult situation for all immigrants.

It is also important to note that when someone doesn't have shelter, everything else becomes more difficult. Shelter is one of the most basic human needs, and without it, focusing on other important tasks like finding a job and becoming financially secure can become even more difficult.

Florida Immigration guide

Transportation Issues

Getting around Florida is not the easiest. The transportation services in Florida do not match that of other states or cities.

For instance, it can be difficult to get from one city to another in Florida as bus transportation is not common. Although getting around cities within Florida is more doable because of some bus operations, it is not as built up of a transportation system as other states and cities.

Train and subways are not a common thing in Florida, so it can be difficult for someone to find the public transportation that they need. This could be for a job interview, child care, getting to work, and more. Without transportation services, it can be difficult to hold a job and take care of children at one time.

This makes everything else more difficult when there is no easy transportation. 

Of course, there is the fact that you can have a car as an immigrant. However, getting a car can have its own sets of barriers such as financial impact, getting a driver's license and passing the test, paying for insurance for the vehicle, and so much more.

Many immigrants also have older vehicles if they do have one, which can have its own set of issues. 

Having unreliable transportation adds to the struggles that an immigrant may face when coming to Florida.

Cultural Differences

There is a lot of harsh criticism when it comes to immigrants. Native-born Americans have preconceived notions about who immigrants are and what their impact is on the country.

This leads to a lot of falsehoods and misunderstandings about them. Because of this, there are automatically large and unfair disparities in immigrants' lives.

There are many cultural differences that immigrants may face. For instance, children who immigrate here may face bullying in schools because they don't know the pop culture of the United States or the most popular music to listen to.

Adult immigrants may face cultural differences with their religion or other social customs that they are used to doing in their original country.

Dealing with cultural differences and the fear of judgment from others is difficult within itself. But then add all the other difficulties that immigrants are facing and this can become even harder.

It is a mix of emotional and physical barriers that add onto one another to make the immigrant experience in Florida so difficult sometimes. 

Raising Children as an Immigrant 

There are many concerns about raising children as an immigrant, two of which are socioeconomic and psychosocial concerns.

As a parent, you are dealing with your own issues of being an immigrant. However, you have the added stress of making sure your children are okay and cared for as well.

There are high rates of depression and anxiety in immigrants' children, so knowing this is important to make sure you are there for them as they adjust.

Common Issues Faced By Immigrants in Florida

Immigrants in Florida face many issues when it comes to adjusting and settling into a new way of life when they arrive in a new country.

From learning how to care for their children, finding a job, getting over a language barrier, and so much more, there is a lot that goes into it.

Luckily, if something happens to an immigrant, there are ways to fight for their rights. Contacting an immigrant lawyer is one way to get the help that an immigrant deserves.

If you or someone you know is in need of legal help, you can book a consultation with Pablo G. Martinez Law Firm and contact us today.

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