Pablo Martinez Law

4145 W Waters Ave

Tampa, FL 33614


(813) 231-0138


(305) 433-3333

7 Reasons to Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident

Pablo G. Martinez Law Firm Blogger • Oct 10, 2022

It is never a bad idea to hire a lawyer after a car accident lawyer. This is how a car accident attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve.

hire a lawyer

In the United States, 71% of all injury crashes occur between two or more vehicles.

Most of the rest are between a vehicle and a stationary object. The chances that someone becomes injured in your accident are high, which means you need to hire a lawyer.

Let’s break down what a lawyer can do for you and give you the 7 best reasons you should hire a lawyer after a car accident:

1. Knowledge of the Law

A lawyer who specializes in car accidents is known as a personal injury lawyer. They focus on the legal aspects of personal injury and liability. This means that they have the knowledge necessary to get you compensation.

Legal matters can be difficult to understand. There are many layers that go into any law. Personal injury law is no different. Lawyers go to school for years to understand all the nuances and details.

2. Dealing With Insurance Companies

Your car accident lawyer has experience dealing with insurance companies. They will know the words and phrases that insurance companies use and what they mean. This experience is something that most people will never get. We don’t have to deal with insurance companies often.

What this means for you is that they won’t be able to get out of their obligations. Your injuries and the damage to your vehicle are all things that your insurance may have to take care of. If you don’t have a car accident attorney, you may not get the money you’re entitled to.

3. Help With Recovery

It stands to reason that after a car accident, you won’t be worried about going to court. First, you need to focus on recovering, not worrying about the legal aspects of your crash. Having a lawyer around to help you will allow you to focus on taking care of yourself.

Taking the time you need is critical to recovering from a car accident injury. The amount of time it takes depends on the injuries sustained. No two people recover at the same speed, but no one recovers as well when they are stressed about dealing with insurance companies.

The benefit of having a lawyer is that while you’re recovering, they’re working on your case. This means that while you’re trying to relax and heal up, they are staying busy advocating for you. Your lawyer is the best advocate you could have during an injury recovery situation.

4. Understanding Options

When it comes to litigation from car accidents, there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. There could be settlement options, negotiations, and even court cases. All this can be explained to you by your lawyer. They will have experience in dealing with it.

Trying to take care of this yourself could end up costing you a lot of money and time. If you miss a detail or don’t take a good deal, it could end up meaning a lot more trouble. Having a lawyer on hand to explain the situation, options, what is normal, and what you can expect is invaluable.

Car Accident Lawyer

5. Preventing Self Sabotage

Some people believe that by telling the truth, they will have solid ground to stand on. While you should be honest, the legal reality is that nothing is quite as simple as that. You can do real damage to your case and your chances of getting compensation without professional counsel.

Every statement you make, even if you are in a compromised condition, can impact your case. What you say to the police and what you say to your insurance company all play a role. You may not be in the right mindset. You could say something that would disqualify you from a settlement.

Your lawyer is not connected to the events the way you are. They didn’t suffer physical or emotional trauma, so they aren’t compromised. They will know what to say and who to say it to so that you don’t cause harm to your own cause.

6. Proving Your Claim

There are some steps you can take right after an accident to help make your case more solid. What these steps are, your personal injury attorney will know. They will give you the advice you need and help gather the evidence to make your case strong.

There are certain pieces of evidence that you need to have for a strong case. Failing to get the evidence you need could make a strong case into a weak one. With car accidents, there are a lot of technical matters that play into it that your lawyer will know and be able to explain in detail.

When it comes down to proving your claim in court, the worst thing you could do is represent yourself. A trained, educated lawyer understands how the court functions and knows how to play by the rules. Even lawyers don’t represent themselves in court cases. They hire a lawyer. 

7. Getting Your Life Back

By hiring a lawyer, you send a signal that you are serious and ready to go forward with a court case. This will often be enough to convince an insurance company that you mean business. Your case will process faster, and they will be more likely to settle with you.

A car accident that is severe enough to injure you will often result in the destruction of your vehicle. Without a vehicle, you could have difficulty getting back to work. If you don’t work, you could lose your home. You will have bills you can’t pay.

Choosing the right lawyer for the job will help make this entire process go faster. You can get the money you need to rebuild what the accident destroyed.

Hire a Lawyer

You need to hire a lawyer that has your best interests at heart and will work hard for you. That is exactly what the Pablo G. Martinez Law Firm will do. Don’t risk your quality of life and recovery. Get a lawyer today.

If you’re in southern Florida, around Tampa or Miami, contact us

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