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This Is How to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket

Pablo G. Martinez Law Firm Blogger • Jul 16, 2022

Being pulled over for speeding can be scary, but it's important to remain calm. We're here to teach you how to get out of a speeding ticket.

how to get out of a speeding ticket

Speeding is one of the most fundamental traffic laws, and it's also one of the most common charges on the road. Believe it or not, there are more than 2.1 million speeding tickets issued in the state of Florida each year.

If you've been charged with speeding, there's a lot you can do to prevent the worst from happening. Let's talk about how to get out of a speeding ticket in the state of Florida!

Why It's Important to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket

Briefly, let's discuss why it's so important to fight a speeding ticket if you get one. You may be thinking that paying it is simply easier than fighting it, but that's not exactly true. First, if you have the right defense, there's a high chance you can fight the ticket successfully.

Second, speeding tickets in Florida stay on your record for 10 years. Ten years is a long time to accumulate other potential charges, which can easily compound on your record and cause serious problems. One speeding ticket may not harm you financially, but the second is likely to cost more, regardless of the type of traffic violation.

Also, a speeding ticket on your record will make you more likely to receive another in the first place. Police tend to be more lenient with first-time offenders, so you don't want to build up a record.

Lastly, the fine itself isn't the only threat to your finances. Speeding tickets can prevent you from getting a job or get you in trouble with your current job. If you have a job that requires a driver's license in good standing, a speeding ticket is the last thing you need.

How to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket

If you are pulled over for speeding, it's important to remain calm. You are under no obligation to answer questions from the police. If they ask you if you know why they pulled you over or how fast you were going, you are under no legal obligation to answer.

In these situations, it is best to remain silent. The officer may not know how fast you were going, so don't incriminate yourself by giving them a speed. If it's over the limit, you're admitting guilt, if you say the speed limit and they clocked you at a higher speed, you could be penalized for lying.

Also, avoid using phrases like "I'm sorry" or "my bad." This can be seen as an admission of guilt. To reduce your chances of getting a ticket in the first place, try to be polite with the officer.

For example, you can say "hello" as they approach. Don't try to lengthen your stay by striking up a long conversation with them. Instead, let them do the talking, and try to cooperate as much as possible.

If you don't already have your license and registration ready for them as they approach the window, feel free to ask if it's okay to reach for them. The officer will appreciate this, as they tend to be wary about people reaching into their pockets or glove compartments too quickly.

Regardless of how this interaction goes, the police officer may give you a speeding ticket. You will have 30 days to submit your plea to the State of Florida. Here's what you need to do.

Plead Not Guilty

You have nothing to lose by pleading not guilty and everything to gain. In some events, your case may even be thrown out by the court after submitting a "not guilty" plea. Try to do this as promptly as possible.

If possible, ask for a continuance. The longer the period between your speeding ticket and the court date, the less likely that officer is to remember pulling you over.

As long as you don't give them something to remember you by during your encounter at the stop, this can help you in court. In this case, you shouldn't have any problems if you aren't overly rude during your interaction, and don't use phrases like "I pay your salary" or "don't you have anything better to do?"

Find Legal Representation and Prepare Your Case

There are plenty of reasons for a speeding ticket to be thrown out. For example, there could be a factual error on the ticket itself like your address, license plate number, or name. This can get you off the hook right away.

Moreover, there are plenty of common examples that get speeding tickets thrown out, so finding the best traffic attorneys can help you with this endeavor. With the right traffic legal assistance, you can find these issues and use them to your advantage. Just remember to find the right traffic lawyer for your needs!

Show Up to Court

If you show up to court and the officer doesn't, the case will be thrown out. It's as simple as that. If you receive a continuance and it's been months since the encounter, then it's likely the officer won't show.

Also, if they do show up, you'll automatically lose the battle if you don't show. Keep the date marked in your calendar and take the day off of work as far in advance as possible.

Keep Your Record Clean

Now that you know how to get out of a speeding ticket, put these tips into practice to make sure your record stays clean. Speeding tickets can be devastating to our records, especially when they begin to add up.

Stay up to date with our latest legal advice and feel free to contact us with any questions or for help with your case! Pablo G. Martinez Law Firm has traffic attorneys in Tampa and Miami to take care of all your speeding ticket and traffic violation needs.

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